The heart of your device, manufactured with  genuine care


Detail. Detail. Detail. 

PCB Assembly (PCBA) is at the heart of everything we produce. Getting PCBA right is fundamental to our customer satisfaction, the long term reliability of their PCBA product and, the future of our business. You can rest assured that we’re completely invested every step of the way.

Whether you need a PCBA for a fast track prototype, want your PCBA prepared for volume with our NPI Process, or are ready for PCBA series production, we have a route to suit.

BSI Logos

Ensuring excellence

From supply chain to staff training and  planning to quality assurance, we leave nothing to chance at Cogent Technology,  always believing that today’s excellence is tomorrows okay.  

Speak with any of our staff or long term customers and they will confirm that our commitment to continuous improvement in PCBA, device build, and electromechanical assembly is perpetual.

Everything you need

Our PCBA services enable us to populate conventional through hole (PTH) and Surface Mount Technology (SMT), Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) with a range of fully automated (pick and place for SMT) slide line population or semi automatic insertion (robotically assisted for PTH). 

Surface mount wave flow soldering is performed using tight process control monitored with Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) whilst Through Hole Soldering managed according to the needs of the assembly with wave, selective wave or manual hand soldering. 

Everything including PCB Assembly, Box Builds and Electromechanical Assembly is governed by our adherence to IPC-A-610, the standard to which we train and certify our operators and inspectors.

What our clients say

We are very pleased with the quality and consistency of the finished product as produced by Cogent Technology. They demonstrate a consistently high level of skill, commitment and importantly flexibility in getting the product to our customer base. Furthermore, their design input has made a significant contribution to the overall product manufacturability and quality.”

Head of Manufacturing and Regulatory

Cancer Diagnostics

“The innovation, collaboration and resolve you showed in taking up the gauntlet of the Ventilator Challenge has been inspirational. The design and engineering talent we have in this country is second to none… your achievements over such a short space of time are nonetheless remarkable, and justifiably a source of considerable pride for you and your company.

Once again, I would like to pass on the Government’s gratitude to you and your whole team.”

Rt Hon Michael Gove MP

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, British Government

Contact Us

We look forward to working with you

Cogent Technology Ltd

Langer Road
Suffolk, IP11 2BF
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1394 445566

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