Ventilator Project
Cogent Technology Case Study
Manufacturing 13,500 ventilators in 12 weeks
On the 14th March 2020, with the UK about to be placed in lockdown, Cogent Technology was approached by UK Government, as an ISO13485 Medical Device manufacturer, to support the UK Ventilator Challenge. With a prediction of 30,000 ventilators required, Cogent Technology was contracted to rapidly manufacture over 13,500 units within a 12 week window.
The Eva Ventilator was designed and developed by the leading Medical Device designers at Team Consulting, working closely with Engineering, Planning, Manufacturing and Supply Chain Specialists at Cogent Technology.
Iain Ansell, Head of Surgical, at Team Consulting stated the main objective:
“From the outset, EVA has been designed to meet government specifications. To allow the fastest possible delivery and to minimise supply chain risk, we based our design on an established ventilator made in the UK by Diamedica Ltd. The ventilator needed to be appropriate for mass manufacture and built from components which could be readily acquired, avoiding competition for materials and components commonly used in other ventilators. During that time, the specification continued to evolve (in response to clinicians’ feedback on their experiences treating COVID-19 patients) and throughout the 6-week project, the EVA design was iterated to keep up with those changes.”
“Cogent Technology’s response to the Ventilator Challenge reflects its core values of innovation, agility and determination. Theirs is an inspiring story and they deserve this recognition. We are very proud of them.’
Scaling up
In order to support the production volume of ventilators within a tight schedule Cogent Technology has been able to rapidly acquire a lease on 79,000 sq. feet of manufacturing space at Landguard Point Enterprise Centre in Felixstowe and thank Penn Commercial, Peter Colby and Ellison’s solicitors for their responsiveness on this time critical project – with keys handed over within a week the team at Cogent were able to ready the facility with a dedicated production line within 5 weeks!
Managing Director Nigel Slator said “I am immensely proud of the dedication that has been shown in rising to this challenge. Be under no illusion, developing a new product to manufacture normally takes 2-3 years minimum. The unified team work within Cogent Technology and close collaboration with our design partners has worked to bring the first production units off the line in weeks. It has been a personal privilege to be part of this joint venture”. He went on to say, “the effort extends outside of Cogent to our supply chain with firms such as PCML Group, Propak, GTK, Farnell, UPS and Brafe Engineering to name a few providing fantastic support.”
Working around the clock
In the same period, lockdown has managed to stem the growth of COVID-19 across the world, and as the world learns more about the treatment of COVID-19 patients, the need for ventilators has changed. As of April 28th, the final regulatory submission and ramp up to full manufacture was put on hold by the UK Government.
Daniel Goddard, Operations Director for Cogent Technology remarked, “We cannot thank our team enough and are grateful to the families who stood behind them whilst they rose to this challenge, working 7 days a week, night and day, to be able to produce EVA. Whilst EVA has been paused, she’s ready to be retriggered should the need arise. From the moment the design was released, we had everything in place and on time to commence manufacture”.
Robert Stainer, Commercial Director observes, “The team at Cogent Technology did not hesitate in rising to this challenge. Our immensely capable team took things to a new level and we emerge from the challenge with new experiences and new relationships which will be of continued value to our clients in the future.”
Cogent Technology’s contribution to the ongoing global situation continues with other COVID-19 related projects for our clients. We have demonstrated our ability to rapidly deploy capacity when needed.
Business Heroes
“The innovation, collaboration and resolve you showed in taking up the gauntlet of the Ventilator Challenge has been inspirational. The design and engineering talent we have in this country is second to none, and your willingness to do whatever it takes to support the NHS and protect the British public has been humbling. … your achievements over such a short space of time are nonetheless remarkable, and justifiably a source of considerable pride for you and your company.
Once again, I would like to pass on the Government’s gratitude to you and your whole team.”

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Cogent Technology Ltd
Langer Road
Suffolk, IP11 2BF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1394 445566